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Less mess.  More memories.

Simply Stigall Home: Welcome

Many Things to Do in Minneapolis

I was blown away by how much we loved our visit to Minneapolis, Minnesota. Maybe because we visited during the perfect weekend of weather...

Selfie School

Wanna get #selfiecertified !? I’m going to share some spots where I have propped my phone tripod along with the photos that came from...

Pandemic Travel Tips with Toddlers

Travel plans might be in your near future but in the midst of a pandemic, I’m sure you’re wondering what it’s like to travel with...

Wisdom from the Wealthy

Up until two years ago, we had one or two great incomes and didn't budget at all. We saved moderately, paid cash for our homes and cars,...

Microblading Brows: JUST DO IT

Flashback to year 2000 when skinny, rounded brows were all the rage. I was that girl. Fast-toward to 2019 when my brows were now splotchy...

Where Do I Begin: Decluttering

January is National Get Organized Month and I’m here for it! Even organized folks have opportunities to reevaluate, rearrange, and...

Starting a Budget

Budgeting is a tool that I believe should be used by everyone, maybe even more-so those who think they have strong finances. It educates...

Kitchen Clutter

The kitchen is the heart of the home and do you want your kitchen to be on the verge of cardiac arrest?! NO! I have a lot to say about...

Tangible Memories

A week ago, my son was at my house and he found a banner of photos my mom had used as a decoration at his sip-n-see when he was a baby....

Santa Claus: The Character

Jason and I were both raised believing in the idea of Santa Claus. It gave us plenty of magical Christmas mornings and childhood memories...

Patient Parenting

Raising kids is hard y’all! There is no rationalizing with them, they don’t think logically like we do, and their priorities are...

How-To Brand Rep

My Instagram account started a long time ago as a personal photo album basically. I never had goals to grow my account or represent...

Body Love

Your soul needs to hear this: Your body, personality, spirit, and life was created exactly how it was intended to be. It was designed to...

Minimalist Play Space

When we were preparing to have our son, one of my main concerns was keeping the baby gear, toys, clothes, etc. contained and manageable....

Budgeting for Vacations

My soul was made to wander and nothing excites me more than an upcoming trip. Traveling can really eat into a budget so I am going to...


Hey y'all! My name is Rachel and I'm a mid-thirties, newly divorced, mama to a toddler, Christ-follwing, Disney mom, and boss lady! I...

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